Insertion of the CMS Pixel Detector july 2008
Insertion of the CMS Pixel Detector july 2008 (Image: CERN)

The CMS detector is now wheelchair accessible

One of 2014’s important milestones at the CMS experimental site was the successful installation of a lift for providing wheelchair access to the deep-underground detector cavern.

15 January, 2015

LHC data brought to life through music

Guest post by Chiara Mariotti

03 October, 2014

My two weeks with CMS

Guest post by Daniele Doronzo. "Daniele is an eighteen-year-old high-school student from Italy, who came to CERN for a two-weeks internship with the CMS team. He recounts his experience below. Those of us who met him were charmed by his enthusiasm." – Gab

22 September, 2014
22 September, 2014