The CMS Detector, just weeks before being closed to guests, had a visit from a group of undergraduate physics students from the University of Science and Technology, Egypt, as part of their CERN-wide tour from the 24 to 27 September. It was sponsored by the Center for Fundamental Physics (FTP) at Zewail City of Science and Technology, organised by the Zewail CMS group, affiliated through the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT).
The students, led by CMS physicist Professor Amr Mohamed, visited the four main experiments, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb; attended lectures presented by senior CMS physicist Daniel Denegri; and had round table discussions about particle physics, and its future in Egypt, with members of CMS Collaboration.
The trip’s objective was to expose the students, at an early stage of their career to the world of experimental high-energy particle physics, to motivate and inspire them to pursue a career in research, and in particular to join the Egyptian effort in the CMS Collaboration.
“We certainly hope to excite the students about physics,” Professor Mohamed said, “to grow a better future for physics in Egypt”.

The views expressed in CMS blogs are personal views of the author and do not necessarily represent official views of the CMS collaboration.